A Walk in the Park


We have yet to have a nice, heavy rainfall in Calgary. Although I’m slightly disappointed because I want so badly for everything to be clean and green again, our city doesn’t experience the loveliest of rainy seasons; it can get a little too cold, a little too dark. So after drifting in and out of sleep well into the late afternoon, Adam and I took advantage of the sunshine and clear skies on Sunday and decided to go for a walk in Fish Creek. We entered the Shannon Terrace area from 24th St — I think that’s one of my favourite areas of the park. It’s quite dense, has the perfect picnic and fire spots, and is right by the river.

Anyway, Adam and I are huge dorks and love wearing matching clothes. We happened to stumble upon a dress and men’s collared shirt with matching patterns while we were out shopping the other day and just had to get them. We decided on Sunday to put on our new threads and have ourselves a bit of a photo shoot while we were out wandering through the park. It made for such a beautiful afternoon and I’m completely in love with how all the photos turned out! Here are a couple of my favourites:



I hope you had an equally relaxing, fun, beautiful weekend and I hope you also spent it with people who mean the world to you. Happy Monday!

| alex

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