On Time:

“Don’t waste your time. Your time is the most valuable thing you have. You will never get it back. So be selfish with it. Don’t just give it away to people who don’t care.”
– Brijesh

I was having a discussion with a friend of mine on relationships and what happens when you give more time to someone than they do for you. I’m sure we have all been through it: with a friend, family member, co-worker, and of course, a significant other. We seem to have all the time in the world for someone and yet we are on the bottom of the list to them. And maybe you’ve been on the other end of things: you’ve been a priority for someone, but they haven’t been one to you.

We spoke about always rearranging schedules to fit others, of how we never got to be the ones who chose, who others had to change their plans for. And Brijesh told me a really beautiful truth: Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t care about you. Because the fact is, if you want to make time for someone, you will. And that isn’t a harsh line, because life sometimes has other plans, but when it really comes down to it, you will make time for those you care about. And you know when someone cares or when someone is just blowing you off. Listen to that voice in your head that’s telling you the truth, whether you want to hear it or not.

Time is one of the only things we can really truly give to others. Time is the only thing we won’t ever get back. Time is one of the most important things we have. So if you aren’t happy with someone, don’t stick around. Life is far too short to try to wade through the sadness in a distorted notion of being heroic. There are some things you can’t change, some people who don’t want to change. It’s not up to you to fix them. And you’ll only end up wasting time and getting hurt. And I don’t say this to make you believe that helping someone is wasting time. It’s only a waste of time if they don’t want help and you end up sad.

So surround yourself with people who love spending time with you, who don’t make you feel less, or sad, who believe in everything you do, and encourage you. With people who inspire you, who you have the same interests with, who enjoy the same routines and adventures you do. And please remember that you are worth spending time with, you are more, you have the ability to be happy, and you really can do anything you want.

So don’t waste time with people who don’t care about you. Give your time to the people you love, and who love you back.

| danielle