100 Happy Days!

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I recently came across the 100 Happy Days challenge and I wanted to share it with all of you! It’s quite simple: all you do is submit a photo every day of something that made you happy! I really love the concept of it. It’s so easy to become lost in the routine of life, to have your days become blurs of schedules, bill payments, traffic jams, and check-out lines.  We live in a society that stresses the importance of always being busy, always on-the-go, always multitasking. The point of 100 Happy Days is to stress the importance of enjoying the moment you’re in; to force yourself to begin taking notice of all the little things in your life that make it beautiful; to take the time to appreciate what it is in your life that makes you happy.

There are a couple of ways to do the challenge: you can share your photos using their #100HappyDays hashtag on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter; you can share them using your own hashtag to limit publicity; or you can email your photos in. At the end of your challenge, you’re able to receive a book with all of your 100 photos from your 100 happy days in it!

Although it’s a lovely idea and I’m definitely going to try it, I think the most important part is to just keep in mind the concept. I love encountering challenges like this because it reminds me of how important it is to strive toward my own happiness everyday. Whether or not you decide to participate in the challenge, or if you decide to and then fail to follow through, there are many other ways to acknowledge and appreciate all of the wonderful things in your life on a daily basis! If taking photos doesn’t motivate you, try writing poems, journal entries, or little notes to yourself. If documentation as a whole isn’t within your interests, find a way to challenge yourself to make a habit out of acknowledging and appreciating the happy moments in a day (one idea: during your venting sessions after those especially tough days at work, try to talk about one positive event that took place for every negative one). It’s really the little things that can start to make all the difference!

Isn’t it an incredible thing in itself that we would even need a reminder to notice when we’re happy? But it’s true that we do sometimes and I’m so glad that I stumbled upon this challenge as a reminder to myself! I hope this also inspires you in some way to always stop and breathe in beautiful moments!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

| alex

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